Publication details

Hnací síly a bariéry úspěchu inovačních technologií v ČR

Title in English Innovatin technologies success drivers and barries in the Czech Republic


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 19th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords Innovation policy regional innovation strategy innovation capacityXIX public administration
Description This paper concerns innovation infrastructure which has started up across all regions of the Czech Republic. The leader at the regional level is the South Moravian Region with its unique innovation infrastructure and its innovation processes. For the period of 2014 – 2020, the South Moravian Region has developed its fourth Regional Innovation Strategy which forms the fundamental strategic document for the region with respect to subsidies in the fields of science, research and development. The objective of the paper is to assess the Czech Republic from the prospective of innovation policy and the selected region (South Moravian Region) as one of the innovation infrastructure leaders. We intend to assess where the Czech Republic stands in terms of innovation capacity (based on the export policy and knowledge intensity indicators) in Europe. We wish to detect the drivers in innovation capacities and identify barriers in enhancing these capacities in the CR. The paper draws upon innovation capacity validation processes analysis, knowledge of the innovation institutions at the level of the South Moravian Region and the author’s own experience with implementing these processes and cooperation on the Regional Innovation Strategy of the South Moravian Region.

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