Publication details

The Hope Barometer and Positive atributes survey 2015 in Switzerland, Germany, Poland, France, and Czech Republic: New findings for research and practice



Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The Symposium aims to present selected results from a large research performed in Switzerland, Germany, France, the Czech Republic and Poland. The results show the distinction between Perceived Hope, Dispositional Hope and Optimism comparing German and French speaking samples. The study also revealed that Poles are less satisfied with life in comparison to Czech, German, and Swiss samples. Three factors (affect, engagement and meaning in life) account for 62% variation of life satisfaction in Germany, 54% in Switzerland, 56% in Poland, and 51% in Czechia. In these countries different factors boost life satisfaction. In Czechia it is affect, in Switzerland activity and thinking about goal and ways to reach it, in Germany and in Poland the same effect have two factors: activity directed to goal and meaning in life.

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