Publication details

Stopy ĺudského ohryzu na kostiach (Pilotná experimentálna analýza)

Title in English Human gnaw marks on bones (Pilot experimental analysis)


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Anthropologia Integra
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords human gnaw marks; experimental study; Slovak Republic; dining and eating habits
Description In anthropological and archeological context the human gnaw marks produce information about the socio-cultural background of studied recent and ancient communities, especially in their dining attitudes and habits. Our paper presents a selected published methodologies used to study this topic and tests the human gnaw marks on experimental sample from Slovak Republic. Th is sample with 40 volunteers was divided into two groups – one was informed about the aim of the experimental project and the other remained uninformed. The prevalence of pits and scores caused by human incisors was recorded, followed by notches aft er secondary butchering processes (observed in both samples) and cut marks aft er table-knives (observed only in one sample). Finally, we have to admit, that according to the inter-sample analysis the style of dining and eating habits perhaps aff ects the appearance and stage of damages caused by human teeth.
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