Publication details

Critical assessment of diversification of nuclear fuel for the operating VVER reactors in the EU



Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Energy Strategy Reviews
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords Nuclear fuel fabrication; VVER reactor design; OAO TVEL; Westinghouse Electric Company LLC; EU supply security
Description The current pressure for the diversification of nuclear fuel for VVER reactors in the EU is traceable to the proposed European Energy Security Strategy of May 2014, and to the recent Euratom call for the licensing of non-Russian fuel for VVER reactors won by aWestinghouse-led group in June 2015. The VVER-440 fuel market is monopolized by Russia's OAO TVEL, and this development indeed is related to the supply security of the EU's VVER-440 fleet. But the evidence shows that only Slovakia's NPPs can effectively diversify the fuel for the VVER-440 fleet, as Slovakia is the only country without long-term contractual obstacles to changing suppliers. The European Commission is thus supporting primarily the diversification activities of the Slovak Republic.
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