Publication details

Relationship between some spiritual practice and well-being of women of various professions



Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source International Journal of Psychosocial Research (IJPSR)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Psychology
Keywords Subjective well- being; spiritual practice; working women
Description The study attempts to find out the relationship between certain spiritual practice and subjective well-being of women of various professions. The non-random purposive selection of one hundred fifty women working from five different professions included executives, teachers, administrators, doctors and engineers was done. Their age ranged from 35-45 years and all were married. Personal Data Sheet and Subjective Well-being Inventory prepared by Nagpal and Sell (1985) were administered. After pretest, training of how to chant "OM" was given. Daily thirty minutes spiritual practice was carried out for six months and then posttest session was carried out. The result revealed a significant positive change in subjective well-being of the working women. The findings suggest that given spiritual practice can be helpful in the improvement of subjective well-being.

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