Publication details

Vliv regionálních vlád na pozice států v Radě EU: Ústavně-právní perspektiva

Title in English The Influence of Regional Governments on National Positions in the Council of the EU: A Legal and Constitutional Perspective


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Mezinárodní vztahy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web webová stránka časopisu, text on line.
Field Political sciences
Keywords legislative regions; autonomy; EU decision-making; member states’ EU policies; Council of the EU
Attached files
Description In spite of the fact that some EU member states are fully-fledged federations, some are centralized and many lie somewhere in between these two poles, EU perceives its constituent countries as unitary, indivisible actors. This can prove problematic since almost one-third of them bestow autonomous legislative and executive power upon their sub-state units. We intend to uncover constitutional and legal models of the internal process of formulation and articulation of member states’ EU policies, analyse them and compare them.
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