Publication details

Pilotní šetření mapující znalosti o poskytování první pomoci a prevenci úrazů na vybraných středních odborných školách

Title in English A Pilot Survey Mapping Knowledge of First Aid and Accident Prevention at Selected Secondary Vocational Schools


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference ŠKOLA A ZDRAVÍ V 21. STOLETÍ: sborník za roky 2014 a 2015
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords questionnaire; teacher; prevention; first aid; interview; school; injury; research; health; student
Description Injuries are a current and relevant factors that threaten the lives and health of children. The higher probability of their occurrence is associated with the study at professional and vocational schools. Therefore, it is imperative that teachers and pupils knew well the principles of safety and the basics of first aid. The survey was carried out on a pilot sample of 80 pupils from 2 secondary schools in the Brno region. To collect the data was used non-standardized anonymous 25 items questionnaire, supplemented by 8 items interviews with teachers in charge of first aid and accident prevention in schools. Data were electronically recorded and statistically evaluated. They were found numerous deficiencies in the teaching of first aid, which is either completely missing or incoherent. Safety and health protection when handling machines and tools are treated solidly, knowledge of first aid at pupils are significant reserves and will need to improve their training.
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