Publication details

Obsahová analýza kurikulárních dokumentů tělesné výchovy v Nizozemsku z hlediska vybraných faktorů kvality projektovaného kurikula: komparace s RVP ZV

Title in English The content analysis of Dutch PE projected curricula from perspective of chosen curricula factors of quality: comparison with Czech PE projected curricula

LUPAČ Michal

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia Sportiva
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web Přímý odkaz na vydání časopisu Studia Sportiva, ve kterém byl článek publikován.
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Physical education in the Netherlands; physical education in the Czech Republic; curriculum; comparison; internal congruence; instrucitonal quality
Description The study analyses the Dutch PE curricula documents and compares them with the Czech PE curriculum. Our research focuses mainly on the selected quality factors – internal congruence and instructional quality. The study results indicate higher rate of the instructional quality and internal congruence of the Dutch documents compared to the Czech ones.
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