Publication details

Challenges of the Reading Comprehension Development of Deaf Learners in the Foreign Language Classroom: Putting Theory into Practice



Year of publication 2016
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

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Description The chapter is based on a doctoral research project which concerns reading skills of deaf learners in English as their foreign language. In the first part, the theoretical background of the topic of reading of persons with hearing loss is introduced. Then the research methodology and procedure are described. The second part constitutes a more detailed discussion of the topic with a particular focus on the common issues in the deaf reading development and the reading comprehension problems related to them. Secondly, the issue of reading in foreign / non-native language is discussed. The third part concerns the concrete activities used to develop reading strategies, their aims, content and procedure. The choice of the reading strategies included in the activities is introduced explaining their sources and rationalization. The chapter is concluded with practical examples of activities used for the instruction of a particular reading strategy.
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