Zeolity na trhlinách žilných magmatitů při kontaktech serpentinizovaných peridotitů u Mohelna a Biskoupek (gföhlská jednotka, západní Morava, Česká republika)
Title in English | Zeolites in fissures of magmatite dikes along contacts of serpentinized peridotite at Mohelno and Biskoupky (Gföhl Unit, western Moravia, Czech Republic) |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2016 |
Type | Article in Periodical |
Magazine / Source | Bulletin mineralogicko-petrologického oddělení Národního muzea v Praze |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
Field | Geology and mineralogy |
Keywords | zeolites; gabro-diorite; serpentinite; analcime; natrolite; phillipsite-Ca; thomsonite-Ca; prehnite |
Description | Zeolites from historical mineral collection deposited in the Moravian Museum in Brno and samples collected in 2014 and 2015 from the localities Mohelno and Biskoupky were examined. At Mohelno, up to 45 mm long needle crystals of natrolite are the most common accompanied with analcime, phillipsite-K and thomsonite-Ca. At Biskoupky, the zeolite mineral assemblage includes analcime, natrolite and prehnite. The zeolites are commonly homogeneous and mostly close to their ideal compositions. Heterogeneous phillipsite-K exhibits Ba - Ca substitution. Mineralization is developed on fissures cutting igneous rocks - gabbro-diorite (Mohelno, Biskoupky) to oligoclasite (Biskoupky) within contact of Mohelno and Hrubšice serpentinite body with surrounded granulites. Mineral associations of zeolites correspond to the SiO2 - Al2O3 - CaO - Na2O system localy with significant BaO and K2O content (Mohelno). Composition of zeolites is related to hydrothermal alteration of basic plagioclases and feldspars of host rocks. |