Publication details

Kvadratické rovnice ve školské matematice

Title in English Quadratic equations in teaching of mathematics

BERÁNEK Jaroslav

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 10. didaktická konferencia. Zborník príspevkov, Dubnica vad Váhom 13. apríl 2016
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Quadratic equations; relations between roots and coefficients; problem teaching
Description The article was created as the result of the research oriented at innovation of the content and forms of secondary school mathematics teaching. The article deals with quadratic equations and their usage at the development of students´ mathematical thinking. Although the area of quadratic equations seems to be completely exploited, there still can be found different pecularities in which quadratic equations are included. These additions are not too diverse from school mathematics curriculum and therefore they can be easily used for independent students´ activities within problem teaching of mathematics.

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