Publication details

Protihusitská propaganda v písemnostech Zikmunda Lucemburského. Definice – Dochování – Texty

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Title in English Anti-Hussite Propaganda in the Writings of Sigismund of Luxembourg. Definition – Preservation – Texts

BAR Přemysl

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Český časopis historický
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation BAR, Přemysl. Protihusitská propaganda v písemnostech Zikmunda Lucemburského. Definice – Dochování – Texty (Anti-Hussite Propaganda in the Writings of Sigismund of Luxembourg. Definition – Preservation – Texts). Český časopis historický. Praha: AV ČR, Historický ústav, 2016, vol. 114, No 3, p. 614-651. ISSN 0862-6111.
Field History
Keywords Sigismund of Luxembourg; the Hussite movement; heresy; propaganda; diplomatic
Description This study contributes to the research on anti-Hussite propaganda and on the policies of Sigismund of Luxembourg. The subject of analysis is represented by Sigismund’s writings and correspondence (diplomas, public and private letters) which contain to varying degrees several propaganda passages. From the viewpoint of form and content and compared to the papal and imperial anti-Hussite campaigns, these passages do not represent a novelty if not for the fact that their formulations were determined by the political interest of Emperor Sigismund. It manifested itself through a variety of nuances depending on the type of environment, for which the documents were intended for – whether the Catholic (both in the Czech lands and the Empire) or the Hussite. For Emperor Sigismund these propaganda texts fulfilled two roles – on the one hand they presented him as the defender of Catholic orthodoxy and of the Church, while on the other hand they justified his own policies against the Hussites.
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