Publication details

Smíšené správní akty v právním řádu ČR aneb 10 let účinnosti opatření obecné povahy

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Title in English Hybrid Administrative Acts in the Czech Legal Order and 10 Years since Effective Date of Measure of General Nature

HEJČ David

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Právník
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Repozitář MU
Field Law sciences
Keywords hybrid administrative act; legal form; subject of regulation; process of issuing; means of protection; materially-formal conception; measure of general nature; public subjective rights
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Description The contribution deals with hybrid administrative acts. Attention is paid not only to a measure of general nature, but also to administrative decisions and secondary legislation, if they fulfill conceptual features of hybrid administrative acts with respect to their contents. At first, attention is paid to doctrinal bases of the hybrid administrative acts. Subsequently, the contribution deals with presence of the conceptual features of hybrid administrative acts within mentioned legal forms, and also with process (corresponding to the legal forms) leading to issuance of these acts and with legal means of protection against them provided by legal order. The contribution also deals with issue, if hybrid administrative acts are not issued and reviewed as measures of general nature and these acts are regulated in fundamentally different ways, which have an impact on level of protection of public subjective rights of their addressees.
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