Publication details

Správní soudnictví a správní orgány (aneb vztah moci soudní a moci výkonné na příkladu odůvodňování a odůvodnění rozhodnutí)

Title in English Administrative Justice and Administrative Bodies (on the relationship of the judiciary from the executive on the example of reasoning)


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Míľniky práva v stredoeurópskom priestore
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords Reasoning; Administrative Body; Administrative Court
Description The author focused on the issue of whether the administrative courts in its activities comply, respectively uphold the principle of separation of judiciary from the executive. The paper focused on the activities of the administrative courts in terms of reviewing the decision and reasoning of the administrative authority. The main thesis of the author is based is that the role of administrative courts is not to correct shortcomings in the reasoning of administrative decisions. One specific issue, that will be in the paper also mentioned, is (not)reviewable in case of applying the material concept of decision, as well as the closely related question of commitment by the legal opinion of the court.
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