Publication details

Monitoring chování klienta bankou z pohledu ochrany osobních údajů

Title in English Monitoring of client's behavior by a bank from the perspective of personal data protection


Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Description This presentation provides a general overview of banks obligations as well as limits regarding monitoring behaviour of own clients who are natural persons in the light of personal data protection legislation. The specificities of such monitoring are described in three regimes: processing of personal data related to preventing and combating crime, processing of personal data collected with consent of a client and processing of personal data based on another legal title. The presentation concludes with an analysis of mutual relationships among the three regimes as well as with general recommendations. Moreover, the presentation briefly describes new rules that have been adopted in the scope of the European review of personal data protection legal framework.
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