Publication details

Žarnov ako ukazovateľ života a zániku. Postdepozičné procesy, metóda výskumu a ich vplyv na kartografickú analýzu na príklade lokalít Valy u Mikulčic a Pohansko u Břeclavi

Title in English Quern as an indicator of life and decline. Post-depositional processes, research method and their impact on cartographic analysis as exemplified by the Valy near Mikulčice and Pohansko near Břeclav sites


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia Archaeologica Brunensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Digitální knihovna FF MU
Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords GIS; quern; spatial analysis; post-depositional processes
Description Cartographic analysis has normally been used to identify wider context and relations between the components studied. But from the very beginning of the analysis already, the process is influenced by external factors which can in a decisive way affect the input data and mainly the work results. The paper is dealing with the effect of post-depositional processes and the research method on cartographic analysis of querns from the Pohansko u Břeclavi and Valy u Mikulčice sites. In Mikulčice namely some distinct concentrations of fragments or entire specimens of querns were found already earlier in the area of gates, which has been associated with violent decline of settlement. But after having studied the available sources and having applied the same GIS analysis to the Pohansko site, several questions arose concerning both the reasons of spatial distribution and the function and significance of querns in the everyday life of people.
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