Publication details

K přezkoumání aktů územního plánování, vydaných ve formě opatření obecné povahy

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Title in English The review of acts of urban planning, issued in the form of general measures


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Stavební právo : bulletin
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Repozitář MU
Field Law sciences
Keywords spatial planning tool; a general measure as a form of public administration; urban planning acts as a general measure; the specifics of administrative and judicial review of acts of spatial planning as a general measure
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Description The paper is focused on the procedural forms prescribed for acts of urban planning. Namely, it focuses on the examination of the spatial planning acts, which are issued in the form of so-called. General measures. Attention is paid to such administrative review, as well as their judicial review, with emphasis on the specifics given the fact that these acts of which the general nature of the measures of a general nature to some extent modified.
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