Publication details

Centones Vergiliani : Klasická poezie "pod kaleidoskopem"

Title in English Centones Vergiliani : Classical Poetry "in the Kaleidoscope"


Year of publication 2016
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Centones Vergiliani - literary mosaics fashioned out of Virgil´s lines - represent an experimental form of late antique poetry, causing embarrassment and distrust in scholarly circles well until recently. In the introductory chapters, the cento technique is defined in relation to the historical development of ancient literature and presented as an integral part of contemporary aesthetics. The latter part of the monograph offers an in-depth analysis of the intertextual structure of seven mythological centos, written between the third and sixth centuries AD and preserved in the codex Salmasianus of the Latin Anthology. It is shown that these texts aim to imitate the original style of Virgil along the principles of pastiche.
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