Publication details

Zkušenost bez zraku: příležitost pro reflexi prostorového normativu

Title in English Experience without Sight: The Opportunity for Reflection of Normative Space


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords visually impaired people; normative space; abstract space; performativity
Description The paper questions the dominant representation of space (normative space) and its visuality in the case of spatial experience without sight. While the relationships between individuals and spaces are differentiated, normative space (re)produces the conception of one depersonalised and thus disembodied space and denies alternative conceptions of spaces. The aim of the paper is to present the process of independent experiencing of new spaces by visually impaired people. This experience is interpreted in the context of two theories: Lefebvre’s production of space and Butler’s theory of performativity. Our results are based on interviews with 16 visually impaired people and 2 people with knowledge about visual impairment from their profession. The interview partners learn two sets of spatial information: ‘information for communication with others’ and ‘information necessary for spatial mobility’. While the first set of information is required to become part of the visual world and reveal the performative (re)production of the visuality of space, the second set of information is connected to non-visual experience and thus makes it possible to look beyond the normative space, to see visuality as a norm, and to start to reflect on the political connotation of spatial conceptions.

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