Publication details

Po stopách oligoklonality u chronické lymfocytární leukemie

Title in English Tracking the Oligoclonality in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XL. brněnské onkologické dny
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Oncology and hematology
Keywords chronic lymphocytic leukemia; immunoglobulin genes; clonality
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Description Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is generally monoclonal disease characterized by a unique productive rearrangement of P-GH immunoglobulin locus (P-IGH). Despite that, multiple clonal P-KHs are detected in 2-5% of CLL cases in routine diagnostics, indicating potentia! oligoclonality. The oligoclonaiity can be proved in cca 30% of these cases using multiparametric flow cytometry. In cases with homogeneous immunophenotype, the lack of allelic exciusion has been to date considered a probable cause, but it did not correspond to our observations. At the single cell level, we now proved that olfgodonality is the main cause of multiple P-IGH expression in CLL even in cases with homogeneous tmrrtunophenotype. Possible common origin of leukemie clones, their dynamics and selection forces, as well as clinical presentation of oligoclonal CLL are focus of our current research activities.
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