Publication details

Comparison between Czech and Colombian health systems: Experience as a physician and as a patient.



Year of publication 2015
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description Aim The aim of this lecture is to show some similarities (e.g. percentage of GDP invested in health system, life expectancy, etc.) and differences (e.g. educational system, specialization system, specialist´s salaries, etc.) between Czech and Colombian health systems. Introduction Although both countries have their differences, they also have their similarities, I will try to make a comparison in some aspects which I had the opportunity to observe or participate, in my experience as a patient and as a doctor in both countries. Statistically, the Czech Republic is one of the healthiest of the central and eastern European countries, though some data points lag behind the more advanced Western European nations and occupying the position 481. On the other hand, within the ranking of the World Health Organization (WHO), Colombia is in the first position among Latin American countries with respect to the global performance of health systems and in position 22 at a world level1. One of the main aspects that differentiate the provision of health services in both countries, is the area that they possess, being the distances between some populations in Colombia very large compared to “isolated” populations in the Czech Republic.

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