Publication details

Přístup orgánů činných v trestním řízení k datům uloženým v cloudu

Title in English Access of Law Enforcement Authorities to Data Stored in the Cloud


Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Description Cloud computing uses data centers located arounnd the world and the data stored in these repositories may migrate between different countries every second. Existence of cloud computing thus minimizes the existence of borders and the way the data is stored places higher demands especially on law enforcement authorities. The law enforcement authority must properly identify the corresponding seizure measureand then obtain the appropriate authorization under the Criminal Procedure Code. The paper therefore focuses on the analysis of the applicable seizuremeasures under the Criminal Procedure Code for seizure of data stored in the cloud. Another aspect that must be assesed is the territorial limitation of powers of law enforcement authorities and the possibility that data centers are located in the jurisdiction of other countries.
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