Publication details

Prvky angloamerického trestního řízení v současné praxi státních zastupitelství

Title in English Elements of Anglo-American criminal proceedings in current practice of Public Prosecutor's Office

LUKÁŠOVÁ Marcela SKUPIN Zdeněk Jiří

Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Description Czech criminal law cannot avoid approximation with Anglo-American legal culture. It can be observed especially in some institutes, which were incorporated to the criminal law – e.g. agreement on guilt and punishment or cooperating accused. Question which remains is that, how the Czech practice approaches to these institutes, whether the public prosecutor’s office uses them and how often. Because of it our paper deals with examination of practice, which is connected to the selected institutes, of selected district public prosecutor’s offices. On the basis of that, we are developing the debate about these institutes and their suitability and usability in the Czech criminal law.
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