Publication details

K izučeniju russkogo jazyka v sovremennoj češskoj srede

Title in English Notes on study of Russian in the contemporary Czech environment


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Novaja rusistika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Digitální knihovna FF
Field Linguistics
Keywords comparatove study; comparison with mother ton gue; genetic relationship of languages; homogenity and idiosyncrasies of Russian and Czech; language interference; linguistic research; educational objective
Attached files
Description The study of a foreign language leads to its comparison with learners mother tongue; in our case the comparison is between Russian and its similarity to Czech. This type of analysis presents a general aim for the assessment of the homogeneity and idiosyncrasies of Russian in comparison with Czech. The importance of the study of language interference is empasised in linguistics for the purpose of language.

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