Publication details

K charakteristickým rysům literárněkritických prací P. V. Anněnkova

Title in English On the Characteristic Features of Literary-Critical Works by Pavel V. Annenkov

ŠAUR Josef

Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This paper describes the characteristic features of Annenkov’s literary criticism. Pavel V. Annenkov (1813–1887) was one of the key opponents of the concepts of literary criticism proposed by the radical democrats. He was a strong advocate of the aesthetic qualities of literature, which, in his opinion, could not be superseded by discussions about political or social issues. Radical democracy’s demand that literature should express a certain interpretation of reality was, in Annenkov’s opinion, secondary. At the same time, his works of literary criticism defended the Russian intellectual heritage of the 1840s, as is obvious from his works on Alexander S. Pushkin and Nikolai V. Stankevich. The paper draws parallels between Annenkov’s aesthetic and artistic views and the then-current Russian liberal thinking and shows that the influence of European liberalism on the Russian society can also be found outside the sphere of politics.
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