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Nové poznatky o facii „pebbly mudstones“ pestrých vrstev kroměřížského souvrství (karpat, střední část karpatské předhlubně)

Title in English New findings about the facies of the „Pebbly mudstones“ of variegated deposits of Kroměříž Formation (Karpatian, Central part of the Carpathian Foredeep)


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezsku
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords Carpathian Foredeep; Karpatian; Kroměříž Formation; borehole core; pebbly mudstones; detrital garnet; provenance
Description One of the facies of variegated deposits of the Kroměříž Formation (Karpatian – Miocene) is represented by pebbly mudstones. The Kroměříž Formation (Late Karpatian) is formed by clays, mudstones, sands, sandstones, gravels and conglomerates. This formation has been deposited along the active margin of Carpathian Foredeep ahead of the front of the Western Carpathian flysch nappes and is divided into the variegated deposits and the Holešov conglomerates. The variegated deposits are known only from the deep boreholes. In this paper the samples of pebbly mudstones from boreholes Rataje-1, 2 and Kroměříž-1, 2 are described. The studied samples have been subjected to the grain size analysis, petrographic and provenance analyzes of gravel clasts and analyzes of the chemistry and provenance of detrital garnets. The pebbly mudstone from the borehole Rataje-1 contains ~24 % gravel, ~18 % sand and ~58 % clay+silt and can be classified (according Nichols 2009) as the gravelly mudrock. The predominant type of detrital garnets is Alm-Prp with pyrope component to 20%, which represents ~65 % of detrital garnets. The pebbly mudstones have been interpreted as deposits of cohesive debris flows (beeing a part of the subaqueous fan or delta?). The flysch nappes of the Western Carpathians served as source for the both clasts and detrital garnets and deposits of the Kroměříž Formation are supposed to represent a prograding wedge into the basin.

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