Publication details

Empowering irrigation: A game-theoretic approach to electricity utilization in Indian agriculture



Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Utilities Policy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Economy
Keywords Demand-side management; Network externality; Common-pool resource; Energy–water nexus; Electricity
Description This research uses a game-theoretic approach to analyze electric power provision for irrigation in Andhra Pradesh, based on results from interview and survey data. Farmers face a coordination problem of collectively preserving electric power quality and a linked dilemma of obtaining sufficient electric infrastructure capacity from utilities. Low equilibria prevail due to asymmetric payoffs and farmers not knowing electric network properties. The findings derived from survey data, empirical tests, and model synthesis indicate how the capacity dilemma can be overcome to enable coordinated technology adoption via farmers' and utilities’ investment into energy-efficient and economically viable technology. Coordinated demand-side measures could effectively reduce energy use and support adaptation to climate change.

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