Publication details

Strategie řízení třídy u studentů učitelství na praxi

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Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

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Description The aim of the research is to describe in detail CMS of student teachers (pre-service teachers) on their long term teaching practice in lower secondary classes. The first years of teaching (including pre-service phase) are usually reported to be the most challenging in terms of classroom management. Research results describe in-depth classroom management strategies typical for student teachers and identifies usual problems of student teachers during their first practical experience. Classroom management (CM) can be viewed as a system of strategies employed by a teacher to influence the physical and social space of the classroom to foster an environment where learning can occur (Christofferson, Sullivan, & Bradley, 2015). Classroom management skills are crucial for teachers to create classroom settings where students can learn (Stronge, Ward, & Grant, 2011). Numbers of beginning teachers leave the profession during the first three years (Smith & Ingersoll, 2004). Although the importance of effective CM is repeatedly emphasised, there is only little research on CMS of student teachers or beginning teachers. Contemporary research shows that teachers use reactive strategies more often than proactive ones at the beginning of their careers (Reupert & Woodcock, 2010), and that student teachers also apply strategies of giving punishment for misbehaviour and giving rewards to positive behaviour more often that experienced teachers (Sueb, 2013). The main research question was: Which CMS do student teachers use in lower secondary classes? The research is based on mixed methods design (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011). The sample consists of six student teachers on their long term practice in lower secondary classess. From each student teacher we videotaped six lessons in one class and conducted an interview, questionnaire and reflective diaries written by student teachers. This paper focuses on qualitative part of the research, which is the main part. The preliminary findings show different CMS strategies. In terms of power of student teacher in the classroom, we ditinguish centralised and decentralised power settings. According to criteria of focus of student teacher, we distinguish focus on learning content and focus on student. The combination of these criteria brings together four classroom management strategies of student teachers: centralised power focused on student, centralised power focused on learning content, decentralised power focused on student, decentralised power focused on learning content.
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