Publication details

Národní identita v muzeu ve vztahu ke konstruktivistickým teoriím učení v konsekvencích dnešní doby

Title in English National identity in the museum in relation to constructivist theories of learning in the consequences present time


Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description In today's world, national identity plays still important role in everyday life. National identity is reflected also in museums, in which national identity is constructed and presented. The aim of this paper is to discuss the status of national identity and its research in current museums, that's all with regard to the matter of constructivist theories of learning. Text outlines the partial results of selected international researches on national identity in the museum and incorporates a research topic of national identity in the context of issues of constructivist theories of learning. These theories have a specific position not only in the educational activities of the museum, but also in research projects. They observe the fact that the construction of national identity is a process conditioned by many factors, which include not only the specific socio-cultural conditions of the country, a particular museum, its exhibitions and workers, but also the actual visitor, his personality, existing knowledge and experience.
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