Publication details

Expresivní metody vizuálního sebevyjadřování v pubertě a v adolescenci

Title in English Expressive visual methods of self-expression in puberty and adolescence


Year of publication 2016
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Expression we mean a way of expressing strong experience, a feeling or state. It is a specifically human activity in which people spontaneously and with an emphasis on form of expression expresses their inner mental states, impressions, feelings, moods and their related experiences and knowledge in the form of symbols (the animal is capable of being expressed only at the level of gestures). The expressive speech reveal about himself, about his relationship to others and to the outside world, often without control. The contents of expressive speech is interpreted rather loosely, but with the emotional impact. Expression can take place at various levels: from little uvědomovaných expressions to accompany a variety of emotions to artistic creation. Expression plays a key role in therapy art.
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