Publication details

Z tradycji czeskich badań polonistycznych

Title in English Traditions of Czech Polish Studies


Year of publication 2016
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The chapter presents the history of Czech interest in the Polish language, literature, history and culture, which gradually took on an institutional character, primarily at university research centers. The interest in Polish studies within his circle of academics at first led to translations, reviews of scholarly works, and studies in selected phenomena, but later, world-class synthetic treatments were also produced. It is necessary to add that these older research projects often incorporated, as we prefer to do today, an interdisciplinary aspect, primarily historical-philological, which ultimately led to integrated research on Poland. The authors of the introductory chapter take note not only of the current state of the field, but also advance their own hypotheses and visions for the further development of Czech Polish studies.

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