Publication details

O mezigeneračním učení a mezigeneračních programech v knihovnách

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Title in English The intergenerational learning and intergenerational programs in libraries


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source ProInflow
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Digitální knihovna FF MU
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords libraries; intergenerational learning; intergenerational programs
Description The purpose of this article is to introduce intergenerational programs, which are increasingly becoming a part of the activities of libraries. Public libraries as educational and cultural institutions and community centers are proving very suitable environment for the implementation of programs designed to facilitate meeting multiple generations. Intergenerational programs in libraries first set into a broader framework of the theme of intergenerational encounters, dialogue and learning, then to create a typology of these programs in the categories of cultural, educational and social. Each of these exemplify a particular program implemented. At the conclusion we note concerning the creation of intergenerational programs in libraries.
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