Publication details

Být sama sebou: případová studie subjektivních teorií učitelky v kontextu profesního rozvoje

Title in English To be herself: A case study on teacher’s subjective theories in the context of professional development


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogická orientace
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation KOUBEK, Petr. Být sama sebou: případová studie subjektivních teorií učitelky v kontextu profesního rozvoje (To be herself: A case study on teacher’s subjective theories in the context of professional development). Pedagogická orientace. Brno, 2016, vol. 26, No 1, p. 95-116. ISSN 1805-9511. Available from:
web Případová studie subjektivních teorií učitelky druhého stupně ZŠ týkající se vzdělávacích cílů a obsahu občanské výchovy a dějepisu
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords teachers’ subjective theories; teachers’ professional development; expert teacher; emic perspective; case study
Attached files
Description The case study presents subjective theories guiding behaviour of a Social Studies teacher at school working in difficult conditions. It builds on previous publications of the author, which defined broadly the research concept, objectives and methodology. The study presents basic analytical approaches to data collecting process in the natural environment of the teacher‘s instruction: (a) reconstituting subjective theories of the teacher, (b) verifying their adequacy by comparing with the actual teaching, (c) semantic comparison of subjective theories guiding the teacher’s behaviour with information about her professional development, (d) analysis and discussion of congruence of findings in the context of educational science, and so opens up possibilities for further analysis and synthetic processing of collected data, an objective that would go already beyond the scope and range possibilities of this paper. The case study demonstrates that the observed teacher shares some characteristics with expert teachers (Píšová et al., 2013). It also showed a high degree of consistency of thought and action of the teacher, as well as a high degree of reflection on action in the wider context of professional development (Hargreaves & Fullan, 2012). At the end of the study, the findings are summarized and some recommendations are formulated for further research on teachers’ subjective theories in the context of their professional development.
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