Publication details

Lingvista míní, úzus potvrzuje, ale i mění

Title in English Linguists propose, usage confirms, but also changes


Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This summarizing paper was dealing with the issue of borrowings from English in the section Drobnosti which is an inseparable part of the periodical Naše řeč from its beginnings. Ca. 10% of 2546 items published in this section of Naše řeč since 1917 were dealing with borrowings from foreign languages. Contributions dealing with borrowings from English became more frequent in the 1960s, interest in this topic significantly growing in the 1990s and lasting to the present day. During the existence of Naše řeč, 79 contributions in total were dealing with borrowings from English. The conference paper was based on 45 of them, namely on those published between 1957 and 1992, i.e. during the period between two codifications, the latter of which is still valid. The aim was to compare predictions and linguists’ recommendations relating to codification with the following codification and especially with further development in usage (as found out on the basis of searching the Czech National Corpus), to evaluate success of those predictions and to attempt at an interpretation of differences among some predictions of linguists and the real development.
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