Publication details

Analýza stop na lidské temenní kosti z lokality Nízké Lešnice

Title in English Trace Analysis on Human Parietal Bone from Nízká Lešnice


Year of publication 2017
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description On the human parietal bone fragment from the Mesolithic site Nízká Lešnice in Northern Bohemia were observed four deep grooves that were recently subjected to a detailed microscopic analysis. The aim was to determine whether these traces were created as a product of intentional cutting with the stone tool during human activities or they are the products of trampling as a result of movement of people or animals in the settlement area. The first two grooves differed in individual characteristics from the third and fourth one. Based on the observations performed, we concluded that while the first and the second groove were formed undoubtedly as a result of intentional human activity, the other two are of a questionable origin. Nevertheless, we tend to think about all of these traces as the products of intentional human manipulation with the dead body due to a quite frequent occurrence of similar findings in the Mesolithic Europe archaeological context.
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