Publication details

The sports rituals



Year of publication 2016
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The sports rituals are an inseparable element of sport. At a fundamental level, it is still not clear what function sports rituals fulfil. In our overview study, we analyzed studies dealing with sports rituals, covering the period from 2010 to 2016, searching for the terms "sports rituals, sport superstition, religious rituals in sport”. So, this work seeks to clarify current understanding and highlight areas requiring further attention. It describes the influence on sportspersons and try to finds the circumstances under which sportspersons are especially committed to enacting rituals prior to a game (ritual commitment). Another aim of this work is to discuss the psychological benefits of rituals in sport and the implications that relate to rituals such as religion and personal characteristics. The results of the present overview study offer a summary of psychological contexts of sports rituals. The results can be interests of sport psychologists and managers.
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