Publication details

Teriflunomid v léčbě relabující-remitující formy roztroušené sklerózy - imunomodulační mechanizmy

Title in English Teriflunomide in treating relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis - immunomodulatory mechanisms

THON Vojtěch

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Neurologie pro praxi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Immunology
Keywords multiple sclerosis; teriflunomide; immunomodulation; autoimmunity; PML; vaccination
Description Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disorder affecting the central nervous system through demyelination and neurodegeneration. Autoreactive lymphocytes penetrate the blood-brain barrier to attack the nervous system. Teriflunomide has recently been approved as a treatment of relapsing forms of MS. The main therapeutic effect is considered to be mediated via the inhibition of the de novo synthesis of pyrimidine leading to a reduction in proliferation of activated T and B cells without causing cell death. Vaccination with inactivated vaccines is possible during treatment with teriflunomide and leads to sufficient immune response.

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