Publication details

Geography of Tourism in the Czech Republic



Year of publication 2017
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Citation Chyba/Error
Description The chapter deals with a spatial aspects of tourism development in the Czech Republic. Based on Mariot`s (1973) a three-dimensional model of tourism organization we evaluate three kinds of preconditions for tourism development: localization, realisation and selective factors. In these context the chapter provides an analysis of the natural and cultural-historical preconditions for tourism, analysis of the accommodation facilities and sport-recreational and transport infrastructure as well as spatial variations of tourism demand. Explanation of the spatial patterns identify functional roles and linkages between mentioned factors of development. Particular attention is paid to main forms and types of tourism in the Czech Republic such as: urban tourism, rural tourism, trade fair and congress tourism, spa and wellness tourism, winter recreation and tourism, summer water recreation, wine tourism and seconds homes. Finale part of chapter is devoted regionalisation of tourism in the Czech Republic, which summarize other functions in broader regional, national, or even international systems.
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