Publication details

Prosazování sociálních aspektů ve "zlatých letech" prosperity českých zemí za přispění odborů (1926-1929)

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Title in English Promoting the Social Aspects in the "Golden Years" of Prosperity of the Czech Lands with the Assistance of the Trade Unions (1926-1929)

ČAPKA František

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field History
Keywords social policy unions health instance disability and old-age insurance instance boom the law strikes
Description The basic aim of social policy in a period of economic boom (1926-1929) in Czechoslovakia was a further ompovement in general social conditions in terms of alleviating the biggest social differences of the property stratification of society. The research study focuses on the expansion of social care insurance, trough enactment of disability and old-age insurance of workers. Sttention is paid to the of trade unions headquarters in law enforcement.
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