Publication details

Kariérní rozhodování u českých studentů v období vynořující se dospělosti

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Title in English Career Decision-making of Czech Students in the Period of Emerging Adulthood


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Lifelong Learning – celoživotní vzdělávání
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Citation Chyba/Error
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords career decision-making; emerging adulthood; secondary vocational school students; university students; work experience; career-relevant work experience; practical vocational training
Description The study deals with the issue of career development of Czech emerging adults and in this context, it draws attention to research marginalisation of secondary vocational schools students. It focuses on the analysis of factors resulting from the type of study which can contribute to the facilitation of the career decision-making process. The research goal was to determine the role of the type of the study and work experience in the career decision-making process of Czech emerging adults. 194 university students and 116 secondary vocational school students between the ages of 18 and 21 responded to the questionnaires of vocational identity and questionnaires investigating awareness of self-efficacy in career decision-making. Linear regression showed that students’ work experience influences the strength of their vocational identity and that career relevance of this work experience is related to the level of selfefficacy in career decision-making. The type of study didn’t prove to be an important factor. The study results highlight the role of work experience in the process of career decision-making. Due to the inclusion of a specific research group—secondary vocational school students—it also enriches the knowledge of the career identity development in the period of emerging adulthood in the Czech Republic. In the conclusion practical implications, limits of this study and suggestions for the further research are discussed.
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