Publication details

Využití biorytmů ke zefektivnění pedagogického procesu

Title in English Biorhythms use to streamline the teaching process


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 70 ve zdraví. Soubor příspěvků z mezinárodní konference konané dne 8.–9. září 2016
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords biorhythm; the pineal gland; chronobiology; illness; education; school; learning; health; pupil
Description Biorhythms are one of the fundamental attributes of life. They are found at all levels of organization of a living system, they are genetically determined. We track them down in the fields of medicine, education, industry and illustrate the links between nature with cosmic influences. Biorhythms are manifested as cyclical alternation of physiological processes occurring in the body, as well as regular alternation of the intensity of these events. Biorhythms are at a higher level represented a variety of brain nuclei, endocrine glands, retina and peripheral organ centers. It operates through a hierarchy of cells, tissues and organs to macroorganism. Their basic role is to existence and adaptability of any living system. Realistically, we can knowledge about human biorhythms be used for more effective work and rest, learn to sense and respect the needs of his own body. We actively intervene into your lifestyle, try to minimize risky behaviors and protective factors reinforce the operation.
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