Publication details

Změny teploty vzduchu na ostrově Jamese Rosse v kontextu Antarktického poloostrova

Title in English The Air Temperature Change on James Ross Island within the context of the Antarctic Peninsula


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník příspěvků Výroční konference České geografické společnosti 2016
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web Sborník příspěvků Výroční konference České geografické společnosti 2016
Field Atmosphere sciences, meteorology
Keywords Antarctic Peninsula; James Ross Island; air temperature; air temperature trend
Description In this contribution mean annual air temperature on James Ross Island was compared to the five stations in the Antarctic Peninsula region (Bellingshausen, Esperanza, Faraday/Vernadsky, Marambio and Rothera). On James Ross Island we analysed two longest temperature series from J. G. Mendel Base (10 m a.s.l.) and Bibby Hill (375 m a.s.l.). In the period 2005-2015, negative temperature trend was detected at these stations; the decline was most intense of all the studied locations. The variability of mean annual air temperature on James Ross Island corresponds to temperature progress at the stations in the northeast part of Antarctic Peninsula (Marambio, Esperanza), while significantly different trends were acquired for the stations on western Antarctic Peninsula (Faraday/Vernadsky, Rothera). The mean annual air temperature on James Ross Island has always been the lowest of all the stations except Marambio Base, located on Seymour Island in the western Weddell Sea.
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