Publication details

Case Studies. Human Resources Management in Sport



Year of publication 2017
Type Textbook
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Description Teaching case studies are desribing problem situations that occur in the daily practice of sport organizations. Students are expected to assess the appropriateness or accuracy of the solutions adopted by the sports organizations and/or propose, on the basis of the information provided, appropriate solutions/ decisions using theoretical concepts from management theory. Firstly, introduced at Harvard Business School traditionally case studies have been an integra part of business management education. In sport management education, discussion about the use of case studies started in 1959 when Earle, F. Ziegler (2002, p.29) implemented the text employing the Harvard case - method plan of teaching human relations and administration to the field of physical education and athletics. Recently, case studies and their appropriateness for educational purposes in sport management have been widely discussed (apostolopoulou, 2011; Dixon & McEvoy & McDonald, 2012; Nová, 2013; Sanchis, 2007). The growing importance of case studies in teaching within the field of sport management has also been stressed at various conferences. At the North American Society for Sport Management Conference in 2012 and 2013, special roundtables were devoted to case study writing and teaching in sport management. The shortage of outlets for sport management educators and researches to publish case studies was also discussed. Futher evidence of the importance which is attributed to the development of case studies in sport management has translated in the decision of Human Kinetics to introduce a nex on line journal called Case Studies in Sport Management in 2012 (
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