Publication details

Dialogické vyučování jako realizace produktivní kultury vyučování a učení v literární výchově : jak iniciovat a udržet změnu

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Title in English Dialogic Teaching as a Realisation of Productive Culture of Teaching and Learning in Literary Education : How to Initiate and Sustain a Change


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Orbis Scholae
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords dialogic teaching; productive culture of teaching and learning; classroom communication; action research
Description In this study, the concept of culture of teaching and learning is applied to data collected in lessons of literary education in lower-secondary classrooms. Within an action research project, teachers were expected to introduce changes to their teaching procedures so as to bring it nearer to dialogic teaching. In previous studies we have shown that the participating teachers managed to change their teaching; this study we focus on how this change happened and under what conditions. Dialogic teaching is seen as one of possible realisations of productive culture of teaching and learning and thus the change that took place is labelled as cultural change. Two case studies are presented which aim to prove that the process of change is not linear but rather that is takes place in phases with varying dynamics. In order for the change to be successful, different elements must be harmonised of the cultural system that is formed by indicators of dialogic teaching, principles of dialogic teaching and teaching methods.
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