Publication details

Prevention of the Risky Behavior in the Traffic at Primary and Secondary Schools in the Czech Republic



Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords traffic education; risky behaviour in transportation; minimal preventive program; elementary school
Description Due to the high accident rate on roads, it is necessary to consider how it is possible some risks in traffic prevented. Education for responsible behaviour of the entire population is best to start from childhood. We say: if the student will behave in road traffic as pedestrians or cyclists responsibly, there is a high probability that it will be a good driver of the vehicle. It is important to realize that in addition to the family it is just a school systematically affecting primary prevention of students. Our research study describes the current state and new trends in risk behaviour prevention in traffic for pupils in primary and secondary schools in the Czech Republic. The so called traffic education is based on changes in the framework curriculum for basic education in the Czech Republic in 2013. The paper highlights the function of minimal preventive program in primary and secondary schools in the Czech Republic. Moreover, we present examples of good primary prevention of risk behaviour in traffic.

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