Publication details

Život a smrť z pohľadu buddhizmu a šintó : ženy a mníšky v pútnickej oblasti Kumano

Title in English Life and Death in Buddhism and Shinto : Women and Nuns in the Kumano Pilgrimage Area


Year of publication 2014
Type Teaching aids, texts (including individual chapters in textbooks)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The text deals with the Japanese pilgrimage area of Kumano, a favourite medieval destination within both Buddhist and Shinto tradition, and the role of the Kumano nuns, who have contributed to a propagation of the area mostly among female pilgrims. The Kumano area was famous because of the combinatory nature of worshipping Buddhist deities, as well as emphasizing archaistic Shinto elements of female fertility together with a notion of mountains as a source of life and a realm of death. In analogy to this, the text introduces female pilgrims who visited the area in search of their own purification and salvation.

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