Publication details

Kompozice sportovních komunikátů v bulvární publicistice

Title in English The Composition of Sports Article in Tabloid Journalism


Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation ŠURÁŇOVÁ, Pavla. Kompozice sportovních komunikátů v bulvární publicistice (The Composition of Sports Article in Tabloid Journalism). In Mezinárodní setkání mladých slavistů Slavica iuvenum 2017, 28.-29. 3. 2017, Ostrava. 2017.
Description The paper presents a stylistic analysis of text construction in tabloid communique with sports theme. It deals with the question of how is structured the text in tabloid journalism in terms of horizontal vertical division, what is its coherence, cohesion, what function it performs non-verbal means (especially painting) in the overall composition of the text. The paper also suggests that the composition of tabloid articles can have properties similar as a hypertext. These are reflected in the structure of the arrangement of all linguistic and non-linguistic elements which are not arranged linearly. By interpretation we will try to answer also the question of what pitfalls offers or provides such a composition for recipients. The starting point of our argument is supporting evidence obtained during the period of April in 2011-2015 of the two most widely read Czech daily tabloids - Aha, and Blesk.
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