Publication details

Použití bambusurilů jako receptorů aniontů pro zdravotnické materiály

Title in English The use of bambusurils as anion receptors for medical supplies

HAVEL Václav LÍZAL Tomáš ŠINDELÁŘ Vladimír

Year of publication 2016
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description *Aim of the research was to synthetize and to characterize two types of bambusurils. Another aim was to investigate ability of the bambusurils bind and release selected types of anions and to test the stability of resulting complexes. The report contains restricted data and in not publicly available. Report is the result of a contract relationship between RECETOX and Contipro Pharma Inc. under contract No. 3103/0040/15 dated October 21, 2015.

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