Publication details

Faktuální nejistota a zdůvodnění rozhodnutí

Title in English Factual Uncertainty and Justification of Decision


Year of publication 2017
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation ONDRÁČEK, Tomáš. Faktuální nejistota a zdůvodnění rozhodnutí (Factual Uncertainty and Justification of Decision). In PRAXIS, Praha. 2017.
Description The state of uncertainty for a certain set of facts A occurs when we are unable to decide on the validity of a set of facts A based on a recognized set of facts B. We are unable justify whether A applies only based on B. In practice (e.g. lawsuits), we are facing cases where it is necessary to decide on such sets as A. How are these decisions made? How are they justified? How can we decide when there is uncertainty?
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