Publication details

Nové poznatky k provenienci sedimentů kroměřížského souvrství

Title in English New findings about the provenance of deposits of the Kroměříž Formation


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Zprávy o geologických výzkumech
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords detrital garnets;statistical comparison;provenance;Carpathian Foredeep;Karpatian;Kroměříž Formation
Description The deposits of the Kroměříž Formation are divided into the variegated deposit beds and the Holešov conglomerate beds. The variegated deposits are represented by “pebbly mudstones” and are formed by the admixture of sand and gravel fractions in the clay matrix. The variegated deposits and Holešov conglomerates differ from each other not only by lithology and sedimentary content but also a different source area. The Holešov conglomerates do not reveal any significantly dominant type of detrital garnets whereas the variegated deposits are characteristic by significant content of Alm-Prp garnets with pyrope component to 20 %. For the specification of provenance the statistical comparison of the detrital garnets has been performed in the software Statistica. Based on the chemistry detrital garnets the Silesian and Ždánice-Subsilesian Units can be considered as the main source of the variegated deposits and also for the Holešov conglomerates. The older Karpatian deposits (depositional unit II and III sensu Francírek – Nehyba 2016) can be regarded as another potential source of the Kroměříž Formation deposits. The similarity of the older Karpatian deposits and the Kroměříž Formation deposits has been shown by the statistical comparison. This comparison also shows that the Lower Badenian deposits (locality Lobodice) are similar to the Kroměříž Formation deposits (locality Símře). Both the locality Lobodice and the locality Símře have a source of materials from the Western Carpathian flysch nappes but probably also from the Moravian-Silesian Paleozoic cover of the Bohemian Massif. The statistical comparison allows to distinguishing the source of materials of the Holešov conglomerates and the variegated deposits. Whereas the Holešov conglomerates were subsidized by material from the Ždánice-Subsilesian Unit (Ždánice-Hustopeče Formation) and the material of the variegated deposits was derived from the Silesian Unit (Krosno Formation).

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